In [7]:
# encoding=utf8  

from __future__ import division
import sys  

import locale
import glob
import os.path
import requests
import tarfile
import io

dirname = 'aclImdb'
filename = 'aclImdb_v1.tar.gz'
# locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')

# Convert text to lower-case and strip punctuation/symbols from words
def normalize_text(text):
    norm_text = text.lower()

    # Replace breaks with spaces
    norm_text = norm_text.replace('<br />', ' ')

    # Pad punctuation with spaces on both sides
    for char in ['.', '"', ',', '(', ')', '!', '?', ';', ':']:
        norm_text = norm_text.replace(char, ' ' + char + ' ')

    return norm_text

if not os.path.isfile('aclImdb/alldata-id.txt'):
    if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            # Download IMDB archive
            url = '' + filename
            r = requests.get(url)
            with open(filename, 'wb') as f:

        tar =, mode='r')

    # Concat and normalize test/train data
    folders = ['train/pos', 'train/neg', 'test/pos', 'test/neg', 'train/unsup']
    alldata = u''

    for fol in folders:
        temp = u''
        output = fol.replace('/', '-') + '.txt'

        # Is there a better pattern to use?
        txt_files = glob.glob('/'.join([dirname, fol, '*.txt']))

        for txt in txt_files:
            with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as t:
                control_chars = [chr(0x85)]
                t_clean =

                for c in control_chars:
                    t_clean = t_clean.replace(unicode(c,errors='ignore') , ' ')

                temp += t_clean

            temp += "\n"

        temp_norm = normalize_text(temp)
        with'/'.join([dirname, output]), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as n:

        alldata += temp_norm

    with'/'.join([dirname, 'alldata-id.txt']), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        for idx, line in enumerate(alldata.splitlines()):
            num_line = "_*{0} {1}\n".format(idx, line)

In [2]:
import os.path
assert os.path.isfile("aclImdb/alldata-id.txt"), "alldata-id.txt unavailable"

In [13]:
import gensim
from gensim.models.doc2vec import TaggedDocument
from collections import namedtuple

SentimentDocument = namedtuple('SentimentDocument', 'words tags split sentiment')

alldocs = []  # will hold all docs in original order
with'aclImdb/alldata-id.txt', encoding='utf-8') as alldata:
    for line_no, line in enumerate(alldata):
        tokens = gensim.utils.to_unicode(line).split()
        words = tokens[1:]
        tags = [line_no] # `tags = [tokens[0]]` would also work at extra memory cost
            split = ['train','test','extra','extra'][line_no//25000]  # 25k train, 25k test, 25k extra
            sentiment = [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, None, None, None, None][line_no//12500] # [12.5K pos, 12.5K neg]*2 then unknown
            alldocs.append(SentimentDocument(words, tags, split, sentiment))
        except IndexError:

train_docs = [doc for doc in alldocs if doc.split == 'train']
test_docs = [doc for doc in alldocs if doc.split == 'test']
doc_list = alldocs[:]  # for reshuffling per pass

print('%d docs: %d train-sentiment, %d test-sentiment' % (len(doc_list), len(train_docs), len(test_docs)))

In [14]:
from gensim.models import Doc2Vec
import gensim.models.doc2vec
from collections import OrderedDict
import multiprocessing

cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
assert gensim.models.doc2vec.FAST_VERSION > -1, "this will be painfully slow otherwise"

simple_models = [
    # PV-DM w/concatenation - window=5 (both sides) approximates paper's 10-word total window size
    Doc2Vec(dm=1, dm_concat=1, size=100, window=5, negative=5, hs=0, min_count=2, workers=cores),
    # PV-DBOW 
    Doc2Vec(dm=0, size=100, negative=5, hs=0, min_count=2, workers=cores),
    # PV-DM w/average
    Doc2Vec(dm=1, dm_mean=1, size=100, window=10, negative=5, hs=0, min_count=2, workers=cores),

# speed setup by sharing results of 1st model's vocabulary scan
simple_models[0].build_vocab(alldocs)  # PV-DM/concat requires one special NULL word so it serves as template
for model in simple_models[1:]:

models_by_name = OrderedDict((str(model), model) for model in simple_models)

In [15]:
from gensim.test.test_doc2vec import ConcatenatedDoc2Vec
models_by_name['dbow+dmm'] = ConcatenatedDoc2Vec([simple_models[1], simple_models[2]])
models_by_name['dbow+dmc'] = ConcatenatedDoc2Vec([simple_models[1], simple_models[0]])

In [17]:
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm
from random import sample

# for timing
from contextlib import contextmanager
from timeit import default_timer
import time 

def elapsed_timer():
    start = default_timer()
    elapser = lambda: default_timer() - start
    yield lambda: elapser()
    end = default_timer()
    elapser = lambda: end-start
def logistic_predictor_from_data(train_targets, train_regressors):
    logit = sm.Logit(train_targets, train_regressors)
    predictor =
    return predictor

def error_rate_for_model(test_model, train_set, test_set, infer=False, infer_steps=3, infer_alpha=0.1, infer_subsample=0.1):
    """Report error rate on test_doc sentiments, using supplied model and train_docs"""

    train_targets, train_regressors = zip(*[(doc.sentiment, test_model.docvecs[doc.tags[0]]) for doc in train_set])
    train_regressors = sm.add_constant(train_regressors)
    predictor = logistic_predictor_from_data(train_targets, train_regressors)

    test_data = test_set
    if infer:
        if infer_subsample < 1.0:
            test_data = sample(test_data, int(infer_subsample * len(test_data)))
        test_regressors = [test_model.infer_vector(doc.words, steps=infer_steps, alpha=infer_alpha) for doc in test_data]
        test_regressors = [test_model.docvecs[doc.tags[0]] for doc in test_docs]
    test_regressors = sm.add_constant(test_regressors)
    # predict & evaluate
    test_predictions = predictor.predict(test_regressors)
    corrects = sum(np.rint(test_predictions) == [doc.sentiment for doc in test_data])
    errors = len(test_predictions) - corrects
    error_rate = float(errors) / len(test_predictions)
    return (error_rate, errors, len(test_predictions), predictor)

In [18]:
from collections import defaultdict
best_error = defaultdict(lambda :1.0)  # to selectively-print only best errors achieved

In [19]:
from random import shuffle
import datetime

alpha, min_alpha, passes = (0.025, 0.001, 20)
alpha_delta = (alpha - min_alpha) / passes

print("START %s" %

for epoch in range(passes):
    shuffle(doc_list)  # shuffling gets best results
    for name, train_model in models_by_name.items():
        # train
        duration = 'na'
        train_model.alpha, train_model.min_alpha = alpha, alpha
        with elapsed_timer() as elapsed:
            duration = '%.1f' % elapsed()
        # evaluate
        eval_duration = ''
        with elapsed_timer() as eval_elapsed:
            err, err_count, test_count, predictor = error_rate_for_model(train_model, train_docs, test_docs)
        eval_duration = '%.1f' % eval_elapsed()
        best_indicator = ' '
        if err <= best_error[name]:
            best_error[name] = err
            best_indicator = '*' 
        print("%s%f : %i passes : %s %ss %ss" % (best_indicator, err, epoch + 1, name, duration, eval_duration))

        if ((epoch + 1) % 5) == 0 or epoch == 0:
            eval_duration = ''
            with elapsed_timer() as eval_elapsed:
                infer_err, err_count, test_count, predictor = error_rate_for_model(train_model, train_docs, test_docs, infer=True)
            eval_duration = '%.1f' % eval_elapsed()
            best_indicator = ' '
            if infer_err < best_error[name + '_inferred']:
                best_error[name + '_inferred'] = infer_err
                best_indicator = '*'
            print("%s%f : %i passes : %s %ss %ss" % (best_indicator, infer_err, epoch + 1, name + '_inferred', duration, eval_duration))

    print('completed pass %i at alpha %f' % (epoch + 1, alpha))
    alpha -= alpha_delta
print("END %s" % str(

KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-19-ae19afedce59> in <module>()
     15         train_model.alpha, train_model.min_alpha = alpha, alpha
     16         with elapsed_timer() as elapsed:
---> 17             train_model.train(doc_list)
     18             duration = '%.1f' % elapsed()

/home/felipe/venv2-global/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gensim/models/word2vec.pyc in train(self, sentences, total_words, word_count, total_examples, queue_factor, report_delay)
    814         while unfinished_worker_count > 0:
--> 815             report = progress_queue.get()  # blocks if workers too slow
    816             if report is None:  # a thread reporting that it finished
    817                 unfinished_worker_count -= 1

/usr/lib/python2.7/Queue.pyc in get(self, block, timeout)
    166             elif timeout is None:
    167                 while not self._qsize():
--> 168                     self.not_empty.wait()
    169             elif timeout < 0:
    170                 raise ValueError("'timeout' must be a non-negative number")

/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.pyc in wait(self, timeout)
    337         try:    # restore state no matter what (e.g., KeyboardInterrupt)
    338             if timeout is None:
--> 339                 waiter.acquire()
    340                 if __debug__:
    341                     self._note("%s.wait(): got it", self)


In [ ]:
# print best error rates achieved
for rate, name in sorted((rate, name) for name, rate in best_error.items()):
    print("%f %s" % (rate, name))

In [ ]:
doc_id = np.random.randint(simple_models[0].docvecs.count)  # pick random doc; re-run cell for more examples
print('for doc %d...' % doc_id)
for model in simple_models:
    inferred_docvec = model.infer_vector(alldocs[doc_id].words)
    print('%s:\n %s' % (model, model.docvecs.most_similar([inferred_docvec], topn=3)))

In [ ]:
import random

doc_id = np.random.randint(simple_models[0].docvecs.count)  # pick random doc, re-run cell for more examples
model = random.choice(simple_models)  # and a random model
sims = model.docvecs.most_similar(doc_id, topn=model.docvecs.count)  # get *all* similar documents
print(u'TARGET (%d): «%s»\n' % (doc_id, ' '.join(alldocs[doc_id].words)))
for label, index in [('MOST', 0), ('MEDIAN', len(sims)//2), ('LEAST', len(sims) - 1)]:
    print(u'%s %s: «%s»\n' % (label, sims[index], ' '.join(alldocs[sims[index][0]].words)))

In [ ]:
word_models = simple_models[:]

In [ ]:
import random
from IPython.display import HTML
# pick a random word with a suitable number of occurences
while True:
    word = random.choice(word_models[0].index2word)
    if word_models[0].vocab[word].count > 10:
# or uncomment below line, to just pick a word from the relevant domain:
#word = 'comedy/drama'
similars_per_model = [str(model.most_similar(word, topn=20)).replace('), ','),<br>\n') for model in word_models]
similar_table = ("<table><tr><th>" +
    "</th><th>".join([str(model) for model in word_models]) + 
    "</th></tr><tr><td>" +
    "</td><td>".join(similars_per_model) +
print("most similar words for '%s' (%d occurences)" % (word, simple_models[0].vocab[word].count))

In [ ]:
# assuming something like
# is in local directory
# note: this takes many minutes
for model in word_models:
    sections = model.accuracy('questions-words.txt')
    correct, incorrect = len(sections[-1]['correct']), len(sections[-1]['incorrect'])
    print('%s: %0.2f%% correct (%d of %d)' % (model, float(correct*100)/(correct+incorrect), correct, correct+incorrect))